Finally, my 1st webcam to use with a telescope. My co-worker Karen gave me their old webcam, she was going to donate it or throw it out. It's a 640x480color webcam and there are drivers for Win & 64 bit...yay!
So the mod is super easy, just unscrew the screws, pop it apart, unscrew the lens, put it all back together. Unfortunately the IR filter is glued to the back of the lens, so it had to go, I broke it trying to get it out. The focus ring on the webcam is almost exactly 1.25", so it fits right in the focuser and is not an issue.
This is the 1st light with it, about 600 frames taken and used the best 120 in registax.
Gassendi Crater is 68 miles wide and on the edge of Mare Humorum, the central peak was an alternative landing site for an Apollo mission. It is so named for Frenchman Pierre Gassendi, the 1st person to watch a planet transit the sun in 1631.
So the mod is super easy, just unscrew the screws, pop it apart, unscrew the lens, put it all back together. Unfortunately the IR filter is glued to the back of the lens, so it had to go, I broke it trying to get it out. The focus ring on the webcam is almost exactly 1.25", so it fits right in the focuser and is not an issue.
This is the 1st light with it, about 600 frames taken and used the best 120 in registax.
Gassendi Crater is 68 miles wide and on the edge of Mare Humorum, the central peak was an alternative landing site for an Apollo mission. It is so named for Frenchman Pierre Gassendi, the 1st person to watch a planet transit the sun in 1631.
Excellent result...I'm about to buy the same webcam and was very interested in your results. Modification seems really easy and as you say, it fits straight into the focuser. Too easy. Tks for sharing, Gary (Australia).