Finally a clear night, played with the webcam and got some good observations in. Very cold, around 30* F.
Started with Venus and the Lifecam, I have added a 1.25" eyepiece barrel and used the Celestron UHC/LP filter to get the brightness of Venus down, sort of worked, but I forgot to take it out for the Jupiter captures.
For visual I used the 10" Dob to view M42, M45, The Hayedes, NGC 1807 and 1817 (2 open clusters close together in Taurus and the M1, the Crab Nebula (Dim oblong patch of nebulosity). Used 7x42 binoculars to view M45 (no nebulosity visible but did see a weird line of 5 stars at the bottom), M42 as a wisp like a little tornado, 3 open clusters in Auriga - M36 (almost mottled), M37 (just a small fuzz patch) and M38 ( more dim, non stellar appearance)
Used the 10" SCT and digital camera to get 5 30 second exposures of the Crab Nebula, came out just about like I saw through the eyepiece of the Dob.
Started with Venus and the Lifecam, I have added a 1.25" eyepiece barrel and used the Celestron UHC/LP filter to get the brightness of Venus down, sort of worked, but I forgot to take it out for the Jupiter captures.
For visual I used the 10" Dob to view M42, M45, The Hayedes, NGC 1807 and 1817 (2 open clusters close together in Taurus and the M1, the Crab Nebula (Dim oblong patch of nebulosity). Used 7x42 binoculars to view M45 (no nebulosity visible but did see a weird line of 5 stars at the bottom), M42 as a wisp like a little tornado, 3 open clusters in Auriga - M36 (almost mottled), M37 (just a small fuzz patch) and M38 ( more dim, non stellar appearance)
Used the 10" SCT and digital camera to get 5 30 second exposures of the Crab Nebula, came out just about like I saw through the eyepiece of the Dob.