Friday, July 27, 2012

Copernicus Crater

It is 57 miles wide and 2.3 miles's a big freakin hole in the moon. It's not a good picture, but the weather has been killin me lately so I had to image something. I had tried for Saturn but the battery died and the only image I got was horrid.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sagittarius Widefield

Canon EOS XS 22-55mm lens @ 55mm
ISO 400 F6.3, 2 exposures of 5:00 stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, edited with Fitswork and
I really wanted more exposures but the dew was relentless, couldn't keep it off the lens.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

7/17 Cygnus Widefield

Pulling the Milky Way out of the muck is no easy task. Quite a bit of light pollution makes for headaches trying to show deep sky with a regular camera lens.
9 exposures at 4:00 each, 4 darks, ISO 400, F6.3
22-55mm lens at 25mm
Canon XS DSLR camera
Stacked in Deep Sky Stacker, processed in Fitswork and

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Meteor 7/13.12

22-55mm lens at 55mm, F5.6 iso 1600 30 seconds
Facing Zenith, focus was bad, I really need to mark infinity on the lens.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Andromeda Reprocessed

Took 37 30 second exposures of this August last year. I tried reprocessing it. I had to crop it quite a bit due to bad flats.
Canon EOS XS, 10" SCT with .63 focal reducer
 20 flats, 20 darks, DSS and Fitswork

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Saturn 4th of July - DSLR

Between the fireworks and smoke and the clouds clearing after being rained on, I went for Satun again.
This time moving the 2x barlow as close to the camera as possible trying to get a smaller image scale.
Both were shot at iso 1600 and I played with the color balance a little, so one came out really blue. They are a little brighter, but noisier, although the atmosphere was very turbulent, so I wasn't gonna catch a great pic anyway.

Monday, July 2, 2012

M27 Dumbbell Nebula from last year

Taken 8/3/2011, 31 subs at 30 seconds. Reprocessed. Focus was a bit off, this was back when I used to setup and polar align in the front yard. Hopefeully I will get another shot at this one this year.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Saturn 6/29 My 1st decent result with DSLR

Shot with Canon XS DSLR prime focus
EOS Movie Record 5x
 But this time I used the Steadypix camera adapter and put a barlow in front of the sensor.
 1st one is ISO 800 and 1/2 second exposure
 2nd is iso 1600 and like 1/4 second

 I have no way to measure the distance between the barlow and camera sensor, so it's a guess what the F ratio really is. I could shorten that distance, giving a slightly smaller image scale, but hopefully sharper detail.
 Not sure why the pixelated apperance is so prevalent, maybe it was just the heat. It wasd 105 here toay, all time record.